Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all of you!  I was sitting here thinking about what Easter is all about.  It brings to mind many things:  Easter baskets, chocolate bunnies, peeps, jelly beans, chicks and ducklings, new lambs, tulips and daffodils, Easter lilies, new outfits and Easter bonnets, bunnies, festive dinners with family and friends, dyed eggs and egg hunts, new life, resurrection, and Jesus Christ. 

The last two items on my list might surprise you.  They may not be what most people think about at Easter, or if they do, they would indeed be the last on the list.  However, the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, the Only Begotten Son of God, even Jesus Christ IS what Easter is all about.  Because of His resurrection, each of us will have eternal life.  The whole purpose of Jesus' life was to bring about the salvation and eternal life of man.  He set the example for all of us by living a perfect life.  He was betrayed, reviled, spat upon, beaten, scourged, and crucified, and in return He cried out, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).  This was the message that He had come through all eternity to deliver -  to extend forgiveness to all men..  How glorious were the words of the angel on that first Easter morning when Mary Magdalene and the other Mary approached Jesus' tomb and were told, "He is not here, but is risen" (Luke 24:6)!  The Lamb of God gave His life willingly to atone for our sins and to give us the gift of eternal life.  This is the message of Easter, that through Christ all men might have eternal life.

It is difficult for me to find the words to convey how much this message means to me.  It fills my soul with so much love and appreciation for my Savior and Redeemer.  There is a hymn that perhaps best describes the depth of my emotions.

     I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me,
     Confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me.
     I marvel that he would descend from his throne divine
     To rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine.
     I think of his hands pierced and bleeding to pay the debt!
     Such mercy, such love and devotion can I forget?
     No, no, I will praise and adore at the mercy seat,
     Until at the glorified throne I kneel at his feet.
     Oh, it is wonderful that he should care for me
     Enough to die for me!
     Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me!

I am so very grateful to have this knowledge.  It has been a strength to me in my darkest hours.  There have been some very low points in my life in the last several years when some might have given up, but I was sustained by the love and mercy of my Heavenly Father and His son, my Savior, Jesus Christ.  Jesus died on the cross to atone for our sins, and because he died, all shall live again.  "Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:  'I know that my Redeemer lives!'" 

It is my hope that each of you is enjoying a wonderful Easter filled with love, family, and friends.  I hope, too, that in the midst of all the joyous memorable moments of today that you will take some time to reflect upon that first Easter morning and the resurrection of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

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